Celebrity Birthday Bez is a year older today

Bez (Emmanuel Bezhiwa Idakula) was born in the musical city of Jos.

Today is the birthday of Nigerian soul singer Bez.

Bez (Emmanuel Bezhiwa Idakula) was born in the musical city of Jos. He also grew up in a musical family. His mother sang, and his father played the guitar, and they recorded their duets.
Bez had an early interest in painting and sketching.
Bez’s father who was a politician died when the singer was just 12. The family fell on hard times. As fate would have it, an anonymous Samaritan paid for his secondary school education.
In the university Bez started singing. His following grew during his performances at Taruwa. Shortly after Bez’s name started ringing in music circles.
Bez embraced spirituality and developed the view that music can add value to the world.
He released his first album "Super Sun" in 2012, and it was praised both by local and international media.
Happy Birthday Bez!

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