Prokassy and Friends Concert 2face Idibia, 9ice, Jesse Jagz, others to storm concert

Abuja based record label Eskimo records will host a world class concert featuring some of Nigeria’s biggest musical acts.

Come November 13, 2016. Abuja based record label Eskimo records will host a world class concert featuring some of Nigeria’s biggest musical acts like Praiz, Vector, Jaywon, Sexy Steel, Skuki, Jesse Jagz, Skales, Rayce, Rugged Man, 9ice and 2face Idibia and more.

Aptly themed, Prokassy and Friends Concert It promises to be a November to remember with the Prokassy and Friends Abuja Premium Concert Powerhouses, Eskimo Records and Sologic Entertainment are joining forces to make this happen.

The Prokassy and friends concert holds 4pm on Sunday the 13th of November; Venue is Harrow Park golf Course off Ahmadu Bello way, Behind Abia House, Central Business District Abuja
Regular Tickets are on sale for #1,000 while a table of five goes for #300,000 (Comes with a complimentary drink).
For Table Reservations, Information and enquiries please call 08065353456 or 08023408517.

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