Yomi Fabiyi 'I'm not happy anymore' actor ends marriage on Instagram

The actor took to Instagram today, November 11, 2016, saying he's leaving the marriage due to distance and his happiness.

Popular Yoruba actor, Yomi Fabiyi has revealed his leaving his wife of four years.

The actor took to Instagram today, November 11, 2016, saying he's leaving the marriage due to distance and his happiness.

Yomi Fabiyi who got married to a white lady four years ago says,
"Hopefully Fran accepts my proposition to end this marriage now as I cannot continue this way, AM NOT HAPPY anymore as we edge close to the 4th year anniversary. Fran is such a beautiful woman, supportive and wish I come live in England, take up employmemt and study.
I HAVE USED HER DOCUMENTS TO RENEW MY NORMAL VISA ONLY, so no question she is not willing, I NEVER said that. With all humility, if she never promised me she is coming to take up employment in Nigeria and live with me, maybe we may not have secured the dating. I have made it abundantly clear I am not prepared to live abroad as my career was just gathering shape then. I decor wedding hall Nigeria colour on purpose.

The outlook of my choice may look familiar to those marriages but I never thought people will think of me that way. I have to live with that but sometimes it can be so bruising.
I am focused on my career and keeping my fans and admirers entertained. I have an absolute right to do whatever makes me happy provided it is nothing criminal, illegal, immoral or anti-social. I am NOT interested with the reason two adult came together. It's crude and an uncivilized thing to do for me. I HOPE I FIND TRUE LOVE AGAIN WHILE I PUSH FOR A HIT-FREE DIVORCE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. I will be fine guys. Thank you - Yomi Fabiyi."

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