Peter and Paul score a positive Highlife hit in 'Nobody ugly'

Music is almost formulaic for Psquare. The Okoye twins treat it like science.
Half the time they are creating ‘original’ remixes to big songs by taking the core elements, pushing it sideways and creating a new record that does nt look like its source material, but sticks to the basic format.
Check through their discography, you would always find songs that are similar to others. ‘Shoki’ became ‘Shekini’, ‘Mad over you turned into ‘Away’, and so forth. When these happen, the fans really don’t care. Psquare is almost beyond reproach. Having consistently performed for over two decades, they have created enough emotional capital to do whatever they like. And so, if they choose to remix a hit song, who are we to hold them accountable for it?
But sometimes, that isn’t always the story. The twins can whip out something original when they are in the mood. And with their new release titled ‘Nobody ugly’, they are holding on to something original. It’s almost looking strong to make become a new hit.
Self-produced, the single and its video isone huge positive message: You are beautifully created, and you don’t need enhancements and validation from people to know that. ‘E ma e mara nma…” which translates into English as ‘Do you know you are beautiful, before they go on to affirm the message that ‘Nobody ugly’.
We live in a very connected age, where technology and the freedom of the internet has created a world of hyper-information on social media. People are constantly sold a certain lifestyle as the best, a perfect and enhanced physical appearance as the new cool, and anyone who does not possess this isn’t human and would be incapable of having a rich life.
It is the worst type of aspirational indoctrination, which has been known to be responsible for a lot of ills.
Psquare are addressing the problem with ‘Nobody ugly’. And it is amazing to know that they are making such a positive song a single, with a full promotional budget, a dope video which captures the message completely and in a humorous way.
It almost brings tears to my eyes, with all of that bright colors mixing with good intentions, and superstardom. Now that’s a winning one. This song can do a lot of good. It will do a lot of good.
And for Psquare, this will be another money maker. The twins continue to hold their own, adapting to the industry, and finding new ways to keep their brand fresh, relevant and entertaining. Nobody does it like Psquare.
Nobody can contest.

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