Jay Z Check Out My Prince Sales Pitch ... That Failed

Prince's estate just filed new docs in its lawsuit against Jay Z and it exposes something very few people get to see -- Jay Z the mogul, pitching his company in a big-time business deal. 
The estate is suing Jay Z's Roc Nation for streaming a ton of Prince's music on Tidal after his death in April. The new docs include a PowerPoint presentation that flaunts the Roc Nation empire's assets -- including music, sports, movies, concerts and more. It's actually incredibly impressive.
There's also a letter from Roc Nation's CEO to Bremer Trust -- the estate's administrator -- trying to persuade them to let Jay's company manage Prince's enormous catalog. As the CEO put it ... "[Prince] confided in and entrusted Mr. Carter and Roc Nation with his most prized possession, his creative expression. They spoke not just as respected businessmen, but as artists aligned in mission."
It sounds and looks great but as we've reported, the pitch fell on deaf ears. The estate turned down the offer and ended up suing over the streamed tunes.

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